Be the change you want to see in the world.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Dear  people of the Philippines,

when are we going to change these? 


Corruption! the number one problem that our country is facing today! may it be in BIG or litte ways, there's always corruption, stealing and lies! instead of helping one another and helping our country, people keeps on pulling each other down and stealing from the money that is supposed to be spent for the progress of the country! people are not treated fair! people are forced to live this country just to run away from the corruption and all the stupid system of this country! i wish there would come a time that people will be courageous enough to fight corruption! aacck!!! 


 it goes like this.. rich people are for rich people and poor people are for poor people. or the thought that if you're rich, you are given a special treatment wherever you go! just because you have the money! just because you're rich doesn't mean you have the right to treat people unfairly! just because ur rich doesn't mean you have all the right in the world.. we are all born equally with the same rights!!! yes,  you're rich, you're blessed.. you should use that in doing good and helping people, right?

as what Eminem said..I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. if you're nice to me, i'll be nice to you!


poverty is not the reason and should not be the reason for ignorance.

 i work at a government hospital who caters for patients who couldn't afford to go to a nice private hospital, like really poor patients who couldn't even afford to buy a meal for a family. Patients who are ignorant(im not mean,im just stating facts)..who comes to the hospital without knowing their conditions. For them a cough is just a cough,when its already a deadly tuberculosis..just an infected bug bite when it's already a tumor or a cancer or a non healing wound because of diabetes.. Most of them seek help when their conditions are too late to be treated due to both lack of knowledge and poverty.when asked whats the reason why they seek out help late, most would answer..they don't have money or they didn't know that their conditions has to be taken seriously or both. it breaks my heart to see someone dying because of lack of knowledge and poverty.

health vs. ignorance vs. poverty

story one. a patient was diagnosed to have a ruptured appendix and has to undergo to an appendectomy operation. he was scheduled asap but due to financial constraints, he couldn't buy all the materials needed for the operation. he stayed at the surgery ward for days suffering from the pain and fever due to his ruptured appendix. he was prescribed with pain killers and paracetamol for fever and pain but he couldn't buy it so instead of telling the truth, he denies the pain he feels. 

second story. a patient was diagnosed to have a pancreatic cancer. he was scheduled to undergo an operation but his wife and his family decided not to sign the consent because they dont have any money for the operation. he has a twelve year old child who stopped going to school so that he could work and help his mother buy medicines for his dad when he should be in school studying hard for his future.

third story. a patient was admitted due to gun shot wound. he was caught from stealing cable wires and was shot by the guard. he said he did it for his family, so that he could feed his family. he was scheduled for exploration of wound to check how deep his wounds were. his brother, did all his best to buy all the things needed for the operation. his brother's wife was crying. his brother was not feeling well and was passing out blood but didn't seek out any medical attention coz he doesn't want to spend his money on his condition. he'd rather spend it to his brother admitted to the hospital than spend it on his medical condition.

4th story. a patient was admitted due to abdominal pain. His family rushed him to the hospital quickly when he said he couldn't take the pain anymore. He was scheduled for exploratory laparotomy, a procedure performed on the abdomen to see the nature of an illness. His wife and son did all their best to buy all the materials and the medicines needed for the operation. they sold everything they could. But before the operation was performed, the patient died. the doctor found out that it was due to sepsis(systemic infection). the patient wasn't feeling so well for weeks but he didn't bother to go to the hospital coz he has no money and he doesn't want to spend the little money he gets from working at the farm coz it was only enough to buy a meal for his family.

5th and last. a patient was admitted due to a non healing wound on her right breast. due to lack of knowledge, they believed that it was just an infected bug bite. days passed, after doing some tests, doctor found out that it was a breast cancer. it broke her heart. it broke her husband's heart. it broke her sons heart. they also came from a poor family but they have the money to buy medicines..the problem is..she was diagnosed to have Breast cancer, Stage 4.

rich corrupt people are becoming more and more rich and corrupt.

poor people are becoming poorer and poorer!  

people die because of ignorance and poverty.

what's our plan?


sincerely yours,

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