Be the change you want to see in the world.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. =)

         i don't know why..but lately i've been stressing myself out a lot about nonsense things.. i guess that's what i get either from taking things too seriously at work(by being serious i mean absorbing all the bitterness from _____,hahahaha.) or from staying the whole time(like the whole day/whole night after work)in my room just sitting and thinking(because my mom won't let me go out of our house hahahaha).

        Today i woke up feeling a lil bit sick..sick like really sick and sick of thinking too much..soooo..i decided to make my day fun and productive.hahaha=) soooo...i made a list of what i wanted to do on my rest 
Saturday,September 3,2011

1. Cook food for the family.=) (pa good shot kay moma so that i can make  plan #3 & #4 possible.mwahaha) 11am-1:15pm

the recipe i chose, chicken adobo flakes.=) 
haha i chose chicken adobo flakes coz i thought it's easy to make.. but..haha it's not that easy..thanks to this blog i saw online.., it helped me a lot.=)

chicken adobo flakes superbiancag. style.=)

step 1.
use leftover adobo(as for me,i didnt have leftover adobo so i was forced to cook.haha)..ingredients depends on your taste..for me i just use chicken, vinegar, bay leaves, lots of garlic, black pepper and a lil bit of sugar and salt to make it tastier and yummier hahahhah.=)

step 2.
bring to boil.=)

whoala!! adobo! =) hahahah

now, the hardest part.. deboning and flaking the took me 30mins to do these.=)
pa sosyal.=) hahaha..using spoon and fork to debone the chicken..hahha

got tired of using spoon and fork to debone the i used gloves haha..

more deboning and flaking....

after deboning and flaking, deep fry in little batches or by spoonfulls. avoid burning it by turning it around. wait until it turns golden brown and crispy.. 

tada! not burnt.. just too crispy chicken adobo flakes..hahaha


outcome: after 1hour and 30mins of hardwork, goal met. Mom agreed to plan #3 & #4.=) haha. 
lesson: go lang nang go!

2. Spend quality time with kids.=) 1:30pm-3pm

when mad, annoyed, frustrated, sad and bored, play with the kids.=)

 cutest baby in the world.=)
smile gio,smile.=) hahah

teaching pia the abc..=) 

manang bianx: pia what letter is this?
pia: X..cellphone..(instead of xylophone)
manang bianx: hahahahha

manang bianx: how about this?
pia: Z..zze..zze..
manang bianx: zebra..
pia: Z..zze.zze..chickenbra! 
manang bianx: hahahahahaah!

manang bianx: pia, how about this..
pia: F!! pissss..
manang bianx: no pia, its fish..ffff..fishh
pia: pissssss
manang bianx:hahahhahah

manang bianx: ok how bout this one pia?
pia: i know..i know.. U.. payong(ilonggo word for umbrella)
manang bianx: hahahhaha

manang bianx: ok last one pia.. what's this?
pia: A!! appoy!!
manang bianx: ok pia! perfect! hahahhaha you made my day! =)

     playful mode.=)

3. spending quality time with friends.=) 3pm-7pm

Oldies but goodies.=)

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. like love It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value
to survival." C.S. Lewis 

 marj and i. =) 

 enjoying the bus ride to Bacolod.=)

funny faces.=)


 at sm bacolod. =) work of art by dave javier.

 arlie,me and marj. =)

i love  abstract paintings. =) 

 arlie doing the "awkward pose"..hahaha and marj.=)

 mirror..mirror.. love this shot!=)

 arlie doing some awkward pose again.haha and me..


marj and i,sitting anywhere..just like the old times.=)

4.  a good meal with best friends..=)7pm-8:30

Fake Bob's
Pamilya Grill.=)

One of the coolest and affordable resto at bacolod..The Pamilya Grill or known as the Fake Bob's.. a very laid back, carenderia type place that serves awesome baby back ribs! ayayay! so yummy! meat melts in your mouth..hahaha just kidding. but seriously,its the best! =)

baby back ribs..
small: p90.00

fruit punch: p20.00

baby back ribs cooked to perfection..=)

crazy delicious!=)

5.  Skype/Facetime with the most gwapo and best boyfriend in the world.=) 8:45pm-10pm

Distance means so little when someone means so much. =)

thanks to technology,distance doesn't seem to be a BIG's just the slow internet in the Philippines which makes everything hard! hahah ..

The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. =)

Don't let anyone or anything spoil your day..if anything bad happen,always look on the bright side.Learn how to deal with it, and learn how to turn something negative into positive. Don't ever let anyone break your spirit! =)

a friend promoted my blog on her fb. hahahah made me laugh! 
thanks ICOR SAM!! =) hahhahahahha


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