Be the change you want to see in the world.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Dear  people of the Philippines,

when are we going to change these? 


Corruption! the number one problem that our country is facing today! may it be in BIG or litte ways, there's always corruption, stealing and lies! instead of helping one another and helping our country, people keeps on pulling each other down and stealing from the money that is supposed to be spent for the progress of the country! people are not treated fair! people are forced to live this country just to run away from the corruption and all the stupid system of this country! i wish there would come a time that people will be courageous enough to fight corruption! aacck!!! 


 it goes like this.. rich people are for rich people and poor people are for poor people. or the thought that if you're rich, you are given a special treatment wherever you go! just because you have the money! just because you're rich doesn't mean you have the right to treat people unfairly! just because ur rich doesn't mean you have all the right in the world.. we are all born equally with the same rights!!! yes,  you're rich, you're blessed.. you should use that in doing good and helping people, right?

as what Eminem said..I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. if you're nice to me, i'll be nice to you!


poverty is not the reason and should not be the reason for ignorance.

 i work at a government hospital who caters for patients who couldn't afford to go to a nice private hospital, like really poor patients who couldn't even afford to buy a meal for a family. Patients who are ignorant(im not mean,im just stating facts)..who comes to the hospital without knowing their conditions. For them a cough is just a cough,when its already a deadly tuberculosis..just an infected bug bite when it's already a tumor or a cancer or a non healing wound because of diabetes.. Most of them seek help when their conditions are too late to be treated due to both lack of knowledge and poverty.when asked whats the reason why they seek out help late, most would answer..they don't have money or they didn't know that their conditions has to be taken seriously or both. it breaks my heart to see someone dying because of lack of knowledge and poverty.

health vs. ignorance vs. poverty

story one. a patient was diagnosed to have a ruptured appendix and has to undergo to an appendectomy operation. he was scheduled asap but due to financial constraints, he couldn't buy all the materials needed for the operation. he stayed at the surgery ward for days suffering from the pain and fever due to his ruptured appendix. he was prescribed with pain killers and paracetamol for fever and pain but he couldn't buy it so instead of telling the truth, he denies the pain he feels. 

second story. a patient was diagnosed to have a pancreatic cancer. he was scheduled to undergo an operation but his wife and his family decided not to sign the consent because they dont have any money for the operation. he has a twelve year old child who stopped going to school so that he could work and help his mother buy medicines for his dad when he should be in school studying hard for his future.

third story. a patient was admitted due to gun shot wound. he was caught from stealing cable wires and was shot by the guard. he said he did it for his family, so that he could feed his family. he was scheduled for exploration of wound to check how deep his wounds were. his brother, did all his best to buy all the things needed for the operation. his brother's wife was crying. his brother was not feeling well and was passing out blood but didn't seek out any medical attention coz he doesn't want to spend his money on his condition. he'd rather spend it to his brother admitted to the hospital than spend it on his medical condition.

4th story. a patient was admitted due to abdominal pain. His family rushed him to the hospital quickly when he said he couldn't take the pain anymore. He was scheduled for exploratory laparotomy, a procedure performed on the abdomen to see the nature of an illness. His wife and son did all their best to buy all the materials and the medicines needed for the operation. they sold everything they could. But before the operation was performed, the patient died. the doctor found out that it was due to sepsis(systemic infection). the patient wasn't feeling so well for weeks but he didn't bother to go to the hospital coz he has no money and he doesn't want to spend the little money he gets from working at the farm coz it was only enough to buy a meal for his family.

5th and last. a patient was admitted due to a non healing wound on her right breast. due to lack of knowledge, they believed that it was just an infected bug bite. days passed, after doing some tests, doctor found out that it was a breast cancer. it broke her heart. it broke her husband's heart. it broke her sons heart. they also came from a poor family but they have the money to buy medicines..the problem is..she was diagnosed to have Breast cancer, Stage 4.

rich corrupt people are becoming more and more rich and corrupt.

poor people are becoming poorer and poorer!  

people die because of ignorance and poverty.

what's our plan?


sincerely yours,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


lets not dwell in the past. lets not hold grudges. lets not let the old days turn us into a bitter person, instead lets make it the reason to become a better person.  lets move on.  lets live in the moment. lets forgive and most especially, lets forget. =)

i've always wanted to write all the heartaches i've been thru before but i never got the chance to write it all down.  maybe because i was so weak at that time that all i wanted to do was to stay inside my room and contain all the emotions i had .haha who would have dare to write it all down? its like reminding yourself  how awful it felt before.

Last sunday, my friend and i went to the church. i was lazy to go to the church but something inside of me said i need to go. it was when i heard the homily that i fully understood why God wanted me to go. Everything has its purpose. 

The homily was very nice and inspiring. it was all about forgiving and forgetting. The priest stressed these three points about forgiving:  1.) Forgiveness is a decision and not just a feeling. 2.)  to forgive is to risk. 3.) To forgive is to set oneself  FREE.

Having heard the homily and having heard some of the heartbreaking break ups that some of my friends have gone thru or is still going thru up to now, i decided to share mine. my heartbreak and the lessons i've learned in life that might help you or other people who get to read this.

i was brokenhearted once. i was once a victim of the past..betrayed by the person i trusted and loved the most. it was the most painful thing i've ever experienced.  it was the hardest thing i've had encountered in my whole existence. so many sleepless nights. so many fears. fear of seeing and hearing something that will remind me again of the pain.. fear of not getting okay. .fear of being stucked in the situation im in..i sometimes wake up unbelievably hopeless and wishing not to wake up for a week or months just to not feel the pain. i got stucked at the anger phase for days, for weeks, for months..

i forgave but i didn't forget. i forgave but we didn't get the chance to reconcile.i was so scared to talk about everything. i forgave but thats it.i didn't forget. i thought it was enough but it made my life more miserable. i kept all the anger deep in my heart. i thought i could contain it within me. but i was wrong. it ate up everything inside of me. hatred consumed all the love i had. all the love and respect i had for myself. i went through all kinds of emotions.. emotions i kept only to myself because i was so afraid to show everybody that i was weak. i didn't cry. not even a single tear fell from my eyes. i held back all the tears.but deep down inside, all i wanna do is break down and cry.

I tried to be strong. i thought i was strong. but i wasn't. i was faking. whenever someone asks me how i did it, "being strong", i always answer. .easy. by forgiving and forgetting..but i was lying. i did "forgive" but at the back of my mind,i was thinking bout revenge..  my lies haunted me every night. every single night. i sometimes wake up curling up into an unbelievably sad,mad ball. no advice, no comfort, no hugs, no sweet text advices from my friends made me feel better. no right amount of advice made me feel better. its nice to be surrounded with great and true friends but really, no matter how great your friends are, if you, yourself won't help yourself, nothing will really happen.

It was when i got tired of hurting myself that i decided to really forgive and set myself free from all the heartaches and hatred that i've been feeling. i decided to forgive not because i was just blinded by my feelings for him. but i decided to really forgive him and forget all the betrayals he did. i did it by letting it all out! letting all the tears flow from my eyes. by letting myself get mad at him. by pouring out everything, every single emotion i had inside. i locked myself in my room, i cried to my friends, i didn't talked to anyone for hours, i stayed up in bed all day, i did all the senti(haha) i wanted to do. i cried after waking up, i cried in the shower. everything i know that would make me feel better(but of course,i didn't let it all get in the way of school and work). i decided to let go. to forget everything and start a new life  and it felt better. it felt so good..i decided to free myself from all the heartaches,fears and anger.

at first i thought being strong was not crying and showing that your're  hurt but i was sooo wrong. soo soo wrong. Being strong means facing the reality. Being strong means being brave. Brave enough to show the world that we are just human. .that human as we are, we do get weak sometimes. we do fall and stumble.. being brave means standing tall and picking up all the shattered pieces after falling apart and not by hiding it. I learned that forgiving, forgetting and moving on is a long process. A decision. i've learned that there are no shortcuts. that we all have to go thru all of these.. Denial, Anger,Bargaining, the hardest part of all,DEPRESSION and the sweetest part of all, ACCEPTANCE.

Looking back at those times, i never really imagined i'd moved on.but hey, i did. IT BROKE ME ONCE, BUT IT MADE ME STRONGER AND TAUGHT ME A LOT OF LESSONS IN LIFE.  Lessons that i wouldn't learn if i never encountered that devastating event in my life. I was brokenhearted once, but i'm happy and proud to admit that i was once..for it made me become a stronger woman and a better person. God never really gives us something we couldn't handle. God never gives us test that has no purpose. Whatever He does, whatever trials He give, always be thankful and face it with a smile. whatever hardships He give, He gives it to make us strong and to make us become a better person. He sometimes gives us those trial to remind us that we're nothing without Him. In whatever way God wants to mold US/YOU, always be thankful.. He may give it in hard way or an easy way,but whatever it is always thank Him because He knows what is best for us. only He, knows what truly is best for us. we might experience PAIN..we might experience that point at one or many times in our life that we are alone or as if we have the heaviest burden in life but always remember, it'll make us strong! As for me, i thank God for giving me that experience. it made me become the person i am today. it taught me so many lessons in life and i am so thankful for that.

 BE POSITIVE, ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE, don't let your bad experiences turn you into a bitter person, instead let it be the reason to make you a better person and don't ever let anyone or anything break your spirit. =)

From the bottom of my once Brokenhearted heart to now A HAPPY and CONTENTED HEART, i wish all of you SOON-TO-BE HAPPY HEARTS, GOOD LUCK. <3

Thursday, September 8, 2011



 Walkathon with Beth.=) 

what a healthy way of starting the day!we started walking around 5:45am. actual plan is to meet at exactly 5am. but the gloomy weather made it hard for us to wake up that early.haha We walked from Mckinley Street up to St. Francis subdivision and after that we decided to take a trike going to the airport coz we were so lazy to walk that long. haha. =)

The park..

a dead rat(giant rat) we saw on the way to Silay airport! 

beth taking a pic of mama mary! =)

at the airport. in fornt of the Bong-bong's store. GARBAGE ANYWHERE! i dont know why its so hard for other people to throw their garbage on the garbage can!!!!!


Beth and i waited for the sunrise. while waiting for it, we talked about a lot of interesting things regarding work and life.. hahah plans for the future!
 Happiness is real only when it's shared.=)

haha my water and purse.

The 2nd most awaited part of the walk... BREAKFAST! haha
our new favorite hang out place before and after work! 
 let me introduce...

The New City Cafe

The new city cafe, famously known as KAPEHAN SANG SILAY is situated along the Rizal Street, across San Diego Church. It's a very laid back type of coffee shop. It's an old house turned into a coffee shop..nothing fancy about the interior . By just looking at the place, you would never expect that they serve the best native coffee in town. I am not a coffee lover but by just smelling the coffee that they serve,you can really tell how yummy it is. It's smell can really wake your senses.

Inside the coffee shop, you'll see different kind of people(from businessman or simply ordinary people,young or old) sitting,relaxing and enjoying their warm cup of native coffee,tea,hot choco,milk,soda or beer. Yes, aside from coffee,they serve tea,milk and other beverages.They also serve Suman sa ibos(native rice cake), but-ong, puto,instant noodles, instant pancit canton and rice for those who wanna have breakfast or merienda. 

Kapehan sang silay is really the official coffee house for the coffee addict Silaynons.

my breakfast. =) spicy chicken noodles, ibos( native rice cake) and calamansi juice. =)

enjoying my spicy noodles much! =) hahaha

playing with my food.=)

Beth enjoying her ibos and spicy noodles! =)

mmm. nomnomnom. <3!!
breakfast for the price of  20pesos. =)

The New CITY cafe menu. =)
a cup of  yummy native coffee for the price of p11.
a cup of yummylicious tea costs p13.
a bowl of spicy noodles costs p15.
Native rice cake or the ibos costs p5.


After eating breakfast, beth and i went to the church to light up candles. 



Balaring is a small barangay in Silay City. It is famous because of it's yummy talaba(oysters) and because of the floating restaurants.  Restaurants there often mostly serve seafood dishes. Oysters, Tuna kinilaw,  sinigang shrimp, Grilled stuffed squid, Buttered Squid, Boneless Bangus are just some of the seafood dishes they serve.

We usually go to TAMAPLAZA coz its a bit nearer than the other restos, but for a change, we went to the EDGE WATER RESTO.

Chandelier made up either of abaca or bamboo sticks!!

haha guess what is this.... no, ITS NOT A FLOATING BATHROOM. its a FLOATING HOUSE OF GOATS. hahahhaha =)

the view.

oysters, kinilaw na tanguigue and boneless bangus.=)

oysters dipped in a spicy sauce( kalamansi, soy sauce and pinakurat)

my DINNER.=)

Spending quality time with the people i love! =)

Tito Willie, Baby Dj, Baby Sophie, Me, Manang Rose anne, Baby Enzo and tito Milky .=)

Some things really bring out the kid in me.=)

Rest day spent with the funniest,cutest,awesomest,sweetest,most kulit kid in the world.=) 

Yesterday was the longest time Manang Rose Anne and I spent with pia again since she got back from Pampangga! it was a day full of fun..full of energy! so tiring yet supeer fun! soo crazy! We did a lot of crazy things,crazy moves haha like crazy dance moves, reverse catwalks and a lot of weird moves at the mall! i felt like i was a kid again yesterday! haha.. kids really make me wanna start life all over again! =) they're so full of life! so innocent and so free from all the stresses life bring!! =) i wish i could go back to those days! but thanks to pia, she and the things she does always..always brings out the kid in me! 

let me introduce to you the joy of our family.. Shopaola Isabola Gambola and the things we've done yesterday.. =)


real name: Sophia Ysabel Gamboa
nickname: pia, sophie, siopao, isabola
age: 2years old
activities: eating, sleeping, eating again, eating and more eating ulit. hahaha
talent: catwalk, dancing, singing, acting
favorite color: pink
languages: tagalog,ilonggo,english, tag-log(tagalog-ilonggo), tag-lish(tagalog-english)
favorite spots at sm: mcDonald's, Jolibee, Foodcourt, World of fun

on the way to mcdo.. 
Pia: manang rothe anne, manang bianta buy ta chetchup n pensh pies..
 pia seriously walking with her french fries!
on the way to foodcourt! =)

pia's favorite happy food! french fries and ketchup.haha

Manang RoseAnne enjoying her bbq popcorn! =)

 haha. caught in the act! pia licking the ketchup off the tissue paper..

 pia trying to convince manang roseanne and me to buy her french fries again! =)

 pia showin some love! =)

 playing with sophie around the candy store.=) 
kids make me wanna start life all over again. uggh so jealous! 

 cutee scarfs.=)

 jolibee!!!! =) 
haha after an hour of non stop walking and running around the mall, pia got hungry gain! 

 pia's dinner! rice and meatballs + french fries! no wonder she's so HUGGABLE!! =) 

 pia feeling so at home after eating a cup of rice,french fries and coke!!! 

bad sophie! trying to hold the fries as if its a cigarette! haha  
 playing with our fries.=)

 ang batang addict sa ketchup! hahah

 pia scratching her butt. haha after eating at jolibee we rushed to the bathroom coz pia was like..manang katol buli! hahahaha

 manang Rose anne, pia and JOHN LLOYD!!! Hahaha!

 pia and i doing the catwalk.. the reverse crazy sane! =)
 pia and her mommy! =)

 super manang rose anne!

this one is for __________!the meanest person ive ever met!! hahaha joke!!!

 indiana jones! =) manang rose anne playing with pia!
 my turn to play with pia!! i won 2 tokens!! haha!

Last two tokens for pia! =)
 The boring fish ride.hahaha